Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe

July 28, 2017

There are two types of people in the automotive world: those who are looking simply for speed and don’t care about aesthetics and those who are looking for the whole package: speed, luxury and a gorgeous body. There are a number of vehicles which will fit the needs of the first type of person but only a few brands of will fulfill the needs of someone who wants – demands – excellence in all aspects.

Rolls Royce has made a name in the industry for creating stunning vehicles that offer everything that the sophisticated car lover is looking for: quality, style, luxury, speed, and power. It’s not something that just any car can pull off, but the Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe is just one prime example of how this automaker doesn’t just epitomize luxury – it defines it.

Rolls-Royce Phatnom Coupe | Braman Rolls-Royce

Larger than Life

If you look at many luxury cars today, you’ll find that they’re relatively small. It seems as though car manufacturers are competing to make the smallest, fastest vehicle that they can. At a Rolls-Royce dealership, however, you see something completely different. You find more substantial vehicles. This can be enough to turn some people off; they assume that because the car is larger and looks like it weighs more that it can not possibly have the power and speed for which they are searching.

Find a Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe for sale, however, and take it for a test drive. You’ll instantly discover that any misconceptions that you have about these vehicles are just that. The truth of the matter is that even though a Phantom Coupe may look heavy, and may look larger than you originally thought you wanted, it offers more than enough power, speed, and luxury to completely turn your mind around about its size.


Beauty From the Inside Out

Let’s start with the doors. The doors are rear hinged, a distinctive touch that is not seen very often from car manufacturers. As a result, they never fail to turn heads. Rolls likes to use them not only for style but because a rear hinged door makes it easier for people to climb into the back seat – a critical consideration for those who enjoy riding as much as they do driving.

But Rolls doesn’t stop there with unique doors. The Phantom’s trunk also provides easy access. The top of the trunk hood pops open and the back panel folds down, providing a great deal of space for your luggage, groceries, or anything that you need to transport.

The creamy, buttery leather in the interior of the vehicle is something that people who visit a Rolls-Royce dealership often comment on. In today’s world, we’re used to sitting on sub-par seats in most vehicles. Rolls spares no expense when it comes to designing the interior of their vehicles, and the Phantom Coupe is the perfect example of how comfortable the interior of a vehicle can truly be.

The rear seats are more than roomy enough for two adults while the front seats provide both leg and headroom for even a 6+ foot passenger. The wood paneling sets the entire interior off perfectly, and if you want to go for serious style, choose the Starlight interior. This unique feature has hundreds of fiber optic cable ends installed on the ceiling, creating a soft glow and an unbelievably romantic feel.


Seriously Smooth

What’s under the hood of this Rolls Royce? Only a 6.75 liter V12 engine that pumps out 453 horsepower and 531 feet of torque. Cycle through the six speed automatic transmission and you’ll see just how smooth the ride of this Phantom are. It can hit 60 mph in only 6.1 seconds and can hit 100 mph in just 15.7 seconds!

The feel of speed in this Rolls Royce might be different, however, simply because of the weight. As pointed out before, this car is heavy. Hitting 100 mph in it feels different than hitting the same speed in a sports car does. The solid body offers an unmatched feeling of stability, even at higher speeds.

Because of the wider set wheels and the overall design of the vehicle, you will quickly see how smoothly it glides over the open road. It handles curves and twists and turns just as handily, and often even more so, than a traditional sports car.


Buying Luxury and History

When you start searching for a Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupe for sale, it’s important to note that you’re not just buying a car. You’re buying history. Rolls Royce has been a leader in the field for generations, and the fact that the style and luxury have never waned is something that any car manufacturer should be proud of.

The Phantom Coupe breaks the typical “sports car” mold – but, then, it never claims to be one. It claims to be the most luxurious coupe that you’ve ever driven. And with gorgeous style, a sumptuous interior that even the queen would be proud to ride in and enough power to make a NASCAR driver impressed, the Phantom Coupe is the ideal vehicle for the person who can truly call themselves a car buff.

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Category: Phantom