Rolls-Royce 10 Fun Facts About Rolls-Royce

September 15, 2020
Blue Rolls Royce Ghost

Rolls-Royce came onto the scene in the early 1900s and has remained a powerful status symbol to date. The Rolls-Royce is unrivaled in its brand image, and for good reason. You don’t earn this type of reputation overnight, and Rolls-Royce has a long history of creating reliable and luxurious cars as you can see from these Rolls-Royce fun facts

10 Rolls-Royce Fun Facts

Here are some Rolls-Royce fun facts just in case needed even more of a reason to love this legend: 

  1. The first Rolls-Royce was released in 1904! It was called the 10 hp and was shown in Paris that December for the first time. 
  2. In 1907, the Rolls-Royce Ghost set out on the 750-mile Scottish reliability trails only to blaze through the finish and keep going to 15,000 miles. This was a remarkable feat of engineering for the time.
  3. The Rolls-Royce Ghost is named in honor of its esteemed predecessor, the Silver Ghost.
  4. As was common for the day, Rolls-Royce began by manufacturing only the engine and the chassis for the vehicle. Customers would take the parts and have the interior and body built by their choice of coachbuilders. The first car Rolls-Royce sold with a body was the Silver Dawn in 1949, however, the Silver Dawn was an exception and the company continued the practice of producing only engines and chassis up until 1958. 
  5. Rolls-Royce and Bentley were jointly owned until 1998 when Rolls-Royce was sold to BMW and Bentley was sold to Volkswagen. 
  6. A staggering 65 percent of all Rolls-Royce cars ever made are still on the road today!
  7. There are more Rolls-Royce vehicles in Hong Kong than anywhere else in the world due. This fact is largely due to British colonization, as the vehicles were elite status symbols for British officers. 
  8. Rolls-Royce exclusively uses bull leather sourced from high altitudes in Europe. 
  9. It takes two months to build a single Rolls-Royce.
  10. Rolls-Royce models are manufactured in the historic Goodwood, England location. Here, master craftsmen pour meticulous care into each and every facet of each and every model.

Another fun fact? There is a Rolls-Royce Ghost waiting to spirit you away on an adventure you can imagine. Visit Braman to learn more.

Category: Ghost