Rolls-Royce Bringing More Nuclear Power to Britain

May 06, 2022
rolls-royce nuclear

Rolls-Royce may soon have another task at hand besides making the best luxury cars the world has to offer. The UK government has requested its nuclear regulating agency to initiate the process of approving the plan for Rolls-Royce nuclear power to bring about the development of a small-scale modular nuclear reactor. The nation wants to lower its dependence on foreign imports of oil and limit its dependence on fossil fuels, while at the same time reducing carbon dioxide emissions. 


Last year, the UK made available $546 million in funding to develop the first small modular nuclear reactor as part of its green initiative. They want to bring more nuclear power to Britain.


As well, this topic has taken on more importance since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The price of gas in the UK has risen astronomically (as elsewhere) over the past months and the aim is to stop reliance on expensive gas from abroad, including Russia.


Experts say that SMRs (small modular reactors) can be manufactured in different factories and the parts can be transported on barges or trucks and assembled on-site, which is faster and cheaper than building a large-scale reactor. It is estimated that a small modular nuclear reactor can provide power to nearly one million homes, but, more importantly, Rolls-Royce says that it would create at least 40,000 jobs, depending on demand for Rolls-Royce nuclear power.

While the exact specifications for the small nuclear reactor have not been published, Rolls-Royce says it will include a 470-megawatt SMR design. The final specifics will be made clear when all the paperwork and location of the reactor have been established.

For at least the past five years, the UK has been thinking of building a small modular nuclear reactor to give more nuclear power to Britain. The building process is usually much shorter than the 4-5 years required to develop a large-scale reactor. Rolls-Royce and the British government are hoping that they can start to deliver power before 2030.

British Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson has clearly stated that the West needs to cease its addiction to Russian gas and boost its own energy independence. It is hoped that small modular nuclear reactors will provide at least 25 percent of the electricity for the nation. The small modular nuclear reactors need space the size of two football fields, but when running well, can power nearly 500,000 homes. 


In the past, nuclear power has been a highly debatable topic because of the negatives associated with it and the time it takes to build the facilities. But with the UK’s energy crisis at an all-time high and massive discontent among its citizens, the government must do something. And, with newer technology available, it is a lot cheaper to build small modular nuclear reactors and use them immediately.


Rolls-Royce has already received funding from the U.S. company Exelon Generation, BNF Resources, and French oil giant Perenco, as well as from the UK government to provide nuclear power to Britain. So far, where this modular reactor will be built has not been determined, but the UK government hopes that things can get rolling as soon as possible. Other nations with small modular reactors include Canada, Korea, the USA, China, and Russia.

To learn more about the Rolls-Royce nuclear power initiative and about future vehicles, contact Braman Motor Cars, the knowledgeable experts.  You can call them at 1-561-203-8780, visit them online, or stop by their showroom.  They will be happy to talk with you.

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