It’s a simple truth that the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe is a gorgeous car. With its sweeping style, bold colors, and classic Rolls-Royce design, combined with a fun, playful air, it’s a car that is well-loved by those who drive it, and fully appreciated by those who see it. After all, it is hard to ignore – so what indeed is more impressive than seeing one drive down the street…or driving it for yourself.
Perhaps a used Rolls-Royce Wraith. The words “used” and “Rolls-Royce” don’t seem to go together, but they do indeed. And you may find yourself hard-pressed to pick a favorite. A Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe – or a Rolls-Royce Wraith with only a handful of miles on it. This is because Braman doesn’t take back just any Rolls-Royce. It must still be in pristine condition, with only a specific amount of miles allowed on it, and multiple checkpoints passed with flying colors. And though the phrase is “used Rolls-Royce Wraith,” in truth it’s more like-new Rolls-Royce Wraith.
Both cars are indeed gems among lesser vehicles. Such care and effort goes into them – and any Rolls-Royce car – making other factory manufactured cars look slow and unwieldy. From the smooth ride to the supple leather, this is the car in which you sip Champagne and watch the world go by. Wraith or Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe – the choice is ultimately yours.
Ask the professionals at Braman which you should invest in. They’ll ask about your lifestyle, how you drive, as well as other details in order to help determine which car will best suit your needs. Your desires, combined with their knowledge, will finally put your decision to rest and in the end, the keys to a Rolls-Royce will be in your hand.
Who knows? Maybe it won’t be a Phantom or a Wraith – maybe it will be a Ghost.