With every popular company come questions. Questions about what they might make in the future. Would they consider something different? If they did, what might it be like? Would they worry about how people would perceive them? Would it change how they made future cars?
For Rolls-Royce, the question that has lurked around them for some time is whether or not it would ever build an SUV. Thus far, Rolls-Royce has stuck with what they know and what they know their customer base truly enjoys; luxury cars with occasional variation, upgrades in technology, and, of course, the Rolls-Royce Bespoke program for any possible customization a customer could want. And with that sort of power at one’s fingertips, the desire for an SUV can easily become a distant memory.
But it’s still a question that Rolls-Royce must face, though some have strong opinions on it already. Many will claim that the SUV concept isn’t something that Rolls-Royce should touch. That it’s not something that’s a good fit for them. However, other luxury companies have discovered ways to work the SUV concept into their line, and have since seen pleasing results. Likewise, their SUVs aren’t the SUVs of yesteryear – they’re luxurious, just like their cars, and take the SUV to a wholly different level. So says Rolls-Royce, if they decide to go with an SUV, it “may well redefine that kind of segment.”
It is 2015 and so far a Rolls-Royce SUV isn’t quite on the horizon. The company is mulling over the idea, and still needs to decide that, if they create a Rolls-Royce SUV, how they will make it uniquely Rolls-Royce. However, the company has at least stated that they hope to bring an answer forward by the end of the year. Until then, we’ll have to satisfy ourselves with the beautiful vehicles currently available.
Rolls-Royce Test drive, anyone?