5 Fun Facts About the Rolls-Royce Cullinan

August 20, 2018
The Rolls-Royce Cullinan | Rolls-Royce Cullinan Specs | Rolls-Royce Palm Beach, FL

Times change and progress moves us forward. That doesn’t mean you have to change standards of luxury. The Rolls-Royce Cullinan exemplifies the brand’s commitment to outstanding quality. But beyond that buttery soft seat and amazing horsepower, here are five fun facts you may not know.

1. It has the deepest fording depth among SUVs.

The Rolls-Royce Cullinan isn’t just a showpiece. It’s designed to excel in off-road situations. The lowest gear in its 4-wheel drive isn’t a traditional take. Instead, technology constantly adjusts as conditions change. The Cullinan has the deepest fording depth in the entire SUV segment at 540 mm.

2. The Magic Carpet Ride makes for a comfortable – and safer – ride.

What is the Magic Carpet Ride? This air suspension system self-levels by using adaptive dampers. This doesn’t just shift and adjust height as you go, it also smooths the entire ride at ground level. For instance, say the route’s incredibly uneven and a tire loses traction for a moment. That wheel’s air damper kicks in to apply pressure – that gives it more traction.

These elements make rough routes feel smoother. Perhaps even more importantly, they take moments where another SUV would lose control, and they compensate for it. This allows the driver to remain in tighter control whatever the road and weather conditions.

3. It’s named after a legendary diamond.

The Cullinan is named after the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever discovered. It was mined in Cullinan, South Africa. The year was 1905. It weighed 621.35 grams, or nearly 1.4 pounds. Today, it’s privately owned by Queen Elizabeth II.

4. It has power for any need.

The power here is substantial. To name just a few Rolls-Royce Cullinan specs, the 6.75-liter V-12 is similar to the one used in the legendary Phantom. It delivers 570 horsepower in the Cullinan, and goes even further with a phenomenal 627 lb-ft of torque. That makes it superb at both hauling and ascent. Steep grades are handled with ease and heavy loads won’t slow you down.

5. You can even have customized cargo modules for your outdoor passion.

Rolls-Royce delivers an unparalleled focus on customization. What are you using the Cullinan for? Camping? Fishing? Surfing? Photography? Commission Rolls-Royce to create unique recreation modules for the cargo area. These can be commissioned for broad categories, or for ultra-specific needs. The module can be motorized for easy deployment.

Test drive the Rolls-Royce Cullinan when you can and discover the power, luxury, and outstanding quality for yourself.

Category: Cullinan